Veganism is a lifestyle that avoids animal products. Vegans choose not to eat meat, fish or poultry, and they don't use other animal-derived products such as leather or fur. They also avoid foods that contain ingredients produced by animals -- like eggs, honey and certain types of oils -- and may also reject vaccines made with fetal cells from pigs. Vegans often follow a plant-based diet but not always; some vegans follow diets based on grains or other plants while excluding all animal-derived food sources from their diet (including honey), whereas others exclude only certain types of animal-derived foods from their diets but do include others such as eggs or dairy products (sometimes referred to as "lacto-ovo" vegans). Although not all vegans live in the same way (there are many different approaches for following this diet), there are some commonalities that unite them under this umbrella term:
Animals are equal to humans.
Animals are equal to humans. They have feelings, intelligence and rights just like we do.
Animals are not property. They cannot be owned or bought and sold like objects—this includes pets, livestock and wild animals.*
Animals deserve our respect for their rights as living beings.*
Animals should not be used as entertainment; or for clothing (fur/leather).
All life has equal rights.
Veganism is about equality. We believe that all life has equal rights and no one deserves to be treated as inferior to another. This means that we must not consume animals or use them for entertainment or clothing. Once you understand this concept, it’s easy to make the switch to a vegan lifestyle because it’s just better for everyone involved: humans, animals and the environment.
Vegans love animals so much that they have chosen not to consume them, use them for entertainment or wear their skin.
Veganism is a lifestyle choice. Vegans make the conscious decision to avoid consuming animal products, wearing their skin and any other animal-related activities.
The reason vegans choose not to consume animals is because they believe it's wrong to kill an animal simply because you want to eat it or wear its fur or skin. Vegans often refer to this as "speciesism" - the act of discriminating based on species.
This means that while some vegans are against all forms of cruelty towards animals (e.g., hunting), others only choose not to eat meat because they don't see how one form of exploitation justifies another (e.g., tofu vs cow).
Vegans are healthy.
With more than 60% of the world's population now eating a predominantly plant-based diet, it's a good time to be vegan.
In fact, in a survey of over 11,000 people by NutritionData.com and reported on by Medical News Today, those who identified themselves as vegans were found to have two times more fiber intake than meat eaters and almost twice as much Vitamin A daily intake. Vegans also had higher levels of antioxidants and vitamin C compared with pescatarians (people who avoid meat but still eat fish) or lacto vegetarians (who avoid meat but consume dairy). Lacto vegetarians also had lower fat intakes than vegans or ovo-lacto vegetarians (who avoid meat but consume eggs).
Where do you get your protein?
Even though protein is a major component of meat and other animal products, you can get plenty of protein on a vegan diet.
Plant-based foods high in protein include nuts, seeds, beans and grains. Adding soy products like tofu or tempeh to your meals will give you even more options for getting your daily dose of protein. Here's what you need to know about getting enough protein as a vegan:
Nuts are an excellent source of plant-based proteins that can be eaten raw or roasted at home. They're also great sources of calories since they're high in fat too! Try snacking on some nut butters for added flavor—it's easy to find vegan options that aren't made with dairy products like milk powder or whey.* Beans are another great food that has both carbs and proteins in them (which makes them perfect for vegetarians). If you don't already have this type of bean in your kitchen cupboard then it's time we introduce ourselves because we've got some amazing recipes coming up!
Why people become vegan?
Veganism is a way of life that is based on compassion and love. This can be hard to understand, but it’s the truth! Veganism is not only about the food you eat or products you buy. It is also about how you treat your body, animals and the earth.
When people become vegan they show kindness in many ways:
They don’t want to harm other beings by eating meat, dairy or eggs.
They care about animals (and humans!) so much that they don’t want them killed for food.
So, how do you go vegan?
So, how do you go vegan?
It’s easier than you think. In fact, it can be as easy as just eating plants! But here's the thing: if someone asks what your diet is and you call yourself a vegan, they're going to want to know more about what that means. So before we talk about changing your diet, let’s talk about what being a vegan means for those who are already doing it and why it might resonate with you too.
First things first: let's bust some myths. Veganism isn't just about skipping meat or dairy products—it's an entire philosophy of life that aims at maintaining compassion towards all living beings (including humans). Vegans don't use animal products because they believe that animals deserve better treatment than they receive from people who profit from their exploitation—and there are plenty of other reasons why vegans choose not to eat animal products too!
Many vegans say goodbye to dairy, honey and eggs first.
Veganism is a lifestyle choice. It's about living in a way that doesn't cause harm to animals. Vegans don't eat meat or animal products, such as milk, eggs and honey. Some vegans will also avoid products containing beeswax or lanolin (a type of oil found in sheep's wool).
Veganism is an ideology that advocates an end to the use of animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. Many vegans say goodbye to dairy, honey and eggs first—but there are still many foods you can eat as a vegan!
Veganism is a wonderful way to live with compassion towards animals and the world.
Veganism is a lifestyle, a movement, and a way of living. It's also a revolution—a lifestyle that can change the world for the better.
It's no secret that animal agriculture is one of the most destructive industries in the world. Globally we consume over 50 billion animals every year; each individual animal has to be fed and raised before they reach slaughter weight. This means destroying forests and other ecosystems which support biodiversity while polluting air and water, as well as using huge amounts of land: 70 per cent of global agricultural land is used to grow feed crops for cattle alone (1). These practices are detrimental to our planet’s health.
In addition to being environmentally friendly, veganism is also good for our own health: vegans tend to live longer than omnivores (2). Living vegan helps reduce your risk of developing diseases such as heart disease or cancer by eliminating saturated fats from your diet—something which omnivores tend not be able to do without making some major changes (3). Vegans also have lower cholesterol levels than meat eaters because plant-based foods contain far less cholesterol than animal products do (4).
If you’re interested in learning more about veganism, I hope this article has served as a starting point. I know that it is hard to change your lifestyle and beliefs, but if anyone can do it, then it’s you. You are strong and capable of doing whatever it takes to make this world a better place for everyone!